"I think bone cracking is a good sign to rest."
"Your confidence in my health is charming."
"Oh, it doesn't help that I'm a blabbermouth and he's a telepath!"
"You have all that's required to be detective of the Spirit World."
"Bingo! Bingo, you win the prize."
"Heres my impression of Yusuke, look at me I'm burning."
"Why it's practically unheard of for Koenma to work. I wonder if he's feeling under the weather?"
"That is the biggest load of bull I've ever herd in my whole life!"
"Oh you know! Don't they teach you kids anything in health class anymore?"
"Too bad Hiei's not here, we could use his jagan eye to find himself"
"You're cheating Kito, he never came close to saying the word hot... ahhhh"
"Who me? I'm a foreign exchange student. My english very choppy."
"I don't want to explain why I can fly to your teacher. I'll see you after school!"
"Now Puu, calm down and talk to us slowly. Oh wait, you can't talk."
"When I picture Yusuke's disposition, I see scales and beady eyes, but I guess cute and fury is another
way to go... Huh! You jerk! Just because your egg hatched doesn't mean you get to be a punk again!"
"We are here at the most exciting match of the Dark Tournament... Hello. After an intense round between
Kayko and Yusuke, it seems to be a brief moment of peace. Lets see how it resolves... Oh, that was close."
"Bingo! Bingo! You win the prize!"
"I've already lost one person I love to Toguro's Team, I won't lose another!"
"I've already taken one person I love to Spirit World. Please don't make me take another."
"And that's how the human race ended."

- "Don't make me slap you upside the head."
- "I know you play by higher standards, but at least give me credit for the nose."
- "Oh, I forgot to look at that so called beautiful face of his."
- "The final chapter starts. Thanks. Now an old lady can die in peace."
- "I'm enjoying life without my pesky student, and ask that you live a nice long time, so I can get
some peace and quiet. In other words, go win that fight, dimwit!"
- "I will come back and save you from your madness, Toguro."
- "No living being is a one man show. Every decision you make will affect the countless people that
care about you."
- "What a silly little girl I was, thinking you would change. I should have known how you would turn
out. You had it written in ugly black letters all across your soul."
- "Oh, silly me. I must have forgotten to turn on my hearing aid. When you're a washed up old hag like
me, the memory is the first to go."
- "You've suprised me, Yusuke. I was certain my eagerness had killed my favorite dimwit."
- "You will remember everything. Everything that went through your head."
- "I fight to get what I need, and I kill whoever gets in my way. I always have."
- "You’ve trapped yourself in a body you hated hiding in the pain, and now you want to torture
yourself again for eternity... Haven’t we both paid enough?"
- "You really care about Yusuke, in your own screwed up way you’ve been teaching him too. He’s
like a son to me, maybe you think the same. Don’t ever feel regret for the things between us."
- "If you had used that lump three feet above your ass you might have held onto your soul, make that
two feet for you [Hiei]."
- "If an enemy captures you you're as good as dead, if you remember anything, then remember that."
- "A soul is fragile with out a body or ghost to protect it, in one full day it would break apart."
- "You can not go into a fight with out first knowing your enemy's powers, you will lose.....How many
people in their group, who is their leader, and what is the true nature of their powers, with out those things attacking would
be suicide."
- "He may look like a dimwit, in fact he deffinately is, but he's aslo the dark tournament champ, and
he can fight like a genius once he knows his prey."
- "Seven enimies with extrodinary talents."
- "Gladly, you patronizing moron."
- "Watch it kid! I can still kill you!"
- "Koenma better come soon, if I keep sitting with these kids, I'll find a new use for my Spirit Wave."
- "Thanks for the real vote of confidence. You two should be cheerleaders, you'd look cute in skirts!"

- "Too bad, I actually liked the jackass."
- "What kind of creature could make my eardrums bleed?"
- "No. If you want to die, kill yourself."
- "If those nothings were too much for you, we're going to have some trouble."
- "So the great detective was ensnared, I wish I had been there to see it."
- "I'm glad you're so enthused. The game will be more exciting this way."
- "Just what is that ridiculous appendage growing out of your head all about?"
- "Don't worry fool, we've entered into an alliance and I'm not the type to break it. Of course, after
we win the tournament I can't guarantee anything."
- "Let's avoid fighting. You're not worth it."
- "So tell me, how does it feel to be in a constant haze of stupidity?"
- "Ninjas are revolting, they stole my idea. I'll have to kill them now."
- "Only 300 seconds too late to matter."
- "What's worse, losing to an old man or a clown?"
- "I hate to say it, but that's hardly hygenic. You have no idea how many demons that sword has cut
- "This idiot makes Kuwabara look smart."
- "So my jagan eye might not be natural, but it does give me exactly what I need!"
- "I have the power to pull you into oblivion, I assume just my right arm will do."
- "You should have never insulted the Jagan eye because you see in a way it has its own mind and loathes
disrespect, resisting it is not something I would do."
- "All we have to do is kill everyone else on the boat before we reach the island. We'll say we're the
right team and no one will complain."
- "Well, as it turns out he's only partially worthless."
- "You talk, you die."
- "Is that all you have to say, they're last words you know."
- "Well, it appears we have found a maze in Maze Castle."
- "You're a team player, a save the day super hero...... I hate people like you."
- "Obviously you are underestimating Kurama. Do you know why I chose him to be my partner? To avoid
fighting him myself. Watch, he's more cutthroat than I when it comes to battle and even more precise."
- "Your ugly friend has a good point detective. Are you sure you want to trust me? I've already vowed
my revenge on you. Maybe I'll handle that now?"
- "Friends are just a crutch for the weak!"
- "I'm not about to die for the sake of you worthless humans!"
- "Being lucky seems to be your greatest tactic."
- "As far as I'm concerned, we're babystitting."
- "Heh, and I suppose you'd think it'd be noble if we all died as a team!?"
- "And I wasn't acting. The only reason I saved you was because I might need your help later."
- "The world doesn't give many chances. Looks like you've just lost your's."
- "Tell your masters, this is their chance for mercy!"
- "Well, as it turns out, he's only partially useless."
- "Colorful getup you've got there, but it doesn't look very tough to me."
- "True pain takes time, my friend."
- "Kurama don't make me pull out your precious voicebox!"
- "Go ahead, tell them I'm Yukina's brother, I won't mind at all torturing you to death."
- "He is a first class idiot."
- "Do you think it is possible for you to shut up"
- "Looks like someone stole my idea."
- "He’s so neck deep in repression, even I feel sorry for him."
- "The air in this town is thick with energy, demon insects flock to it like sharks to an open wound,
a sign of things to come or is the danger already here?"
- "You should've learned by now this is a kill or be killed world, if you're to weak to help yourself,
you deserve to fall."
- "No three letter word could rule my fate... HOT!"
- "If you know what's good for you, you will give us permission, unless you harbor a death wish".
- "You already have your fox, your clown, and your hag, i'm a moot point.... This is your world to look
after, not mine, I don't intend to hinder your cause, but i'm not gonna help it either."
- "Though your minty fresh breath was well worth the delay."
- "Janken? What the hell is that?!"
- "You do them one favor and they think you're they're best friend... this is why I chould care less
about they're world..."
- "Don't get sentimental Detective"
- "This air reminds me of home. It's calming and it soothes me"
- "It seems you haven't lost your Spirit Power, you just needed a kick in the ass"
- "Do you think that they'd just let you walk out with that tape?"
- "I should have slit your throat when I had the chance"
- "So go, save the Human World. Or don't, I don't really care. Either way, I'm just fine with the outcome"
- "If you have any noble plans to stop me I suggest you write your will. I'm not leaving without war."
- "As much as I hate the humans, I think I loathe tourists more."
- “I’ve been under too much stress lately. Killing you should get a good rememdy.”
- “I’m sorry, a 30-ft killing machine wanted a word with us.”
- "I'm surrounded by idiots but they mean well..."
- "Though I am quite sure your minty fresh was well worth the delay,What is that ridiculous appendage
growing out of your head all about?"
- "What's it like to walk around in a constant haze of stupidity?"
- *talking about/to Bui* "I maybe be a short target but this is sad."
- "Once your own doom has been unraveled, I assure you there's not turning back."
- "Countless centuries. Countless masters trying to harness the power of the Darkness Flame. Only I
had the courage, the strength, and the abandon to realize it's glorious potential."
- "I have the power of the black dragon because now I am the dragon."
- "Quiet fool! I don't need to be told to hurry up. It's in my nature."
- "Listen to me as closely as you can, you two. I'm trusting you against my better instincts only because
I have no other choice. Take care of the Toguro Brothers. If I wake up and we've lost, I swear I'll kill you all!"
- "This wind coming in feels like home. It's comforting and it soothes me. It tastes like freshly spilled
blood and the rotting flesh of decaying corpses."
- "I don't know if your brains can imagine it, but that attack drained a good deal of my energy. I'll
require some hibernation to get it back. Think you can manage finding a safe place for my body where it won't get stepped
- "No. If you want to die, kill yourself. I don't take orders, especially from those I beat."
- "Forget it. I still need more training. If this is the bast my punch can do I might as well get a
new arm."
- "Come now, can't you even test me?"
- "No. You pull your own weight from now on."
- "But I hate Kuwabara. You do them one favor and they think you're their best friend. This is why I
could care less if their whole speicies is swallowed up."

- "Right he is, and when the tourney next around comes flying we'll have new muscles on us! And whee
and woo we'll be the champions that one!"
- "Don't be gettin' all big eyed, any attack has to travel through air to get to me, right? I control
the air, so you might as well hand 'em over and say Do whatever you want with 'em Jin!"
- "You're crazy Urameshi! The hell was that!? You don't make bombs go boom in yer face!"
- "Might be worth having the old Shinobi job with a place like this."
- "Saw biggy flying up all the way high and past, almost lost it. "
- "Sorry, Urameshi, but I'm takin the prize!"
- "So this is what the wind in the big bright an open feels like, uh?"
- "Agreed, so I'd say. When your wind looks like a phoenix you know you've got SOMEHTHIN' big!"
- "And if we aren't...it's no thanks to the drunken biggie who sold our tickets for a coupla pints!"
- "What's with the girls' muscles all of a sudden? They inflated like a beachball on hot rocks! Lots
of crazy things I see, but this one takes the prize!"

- "Oh Yusuke, I'm sure there's something you can use, magic, a missile launcher, anything!"
- "You don't seem to have a chance Yusuke, but that's not the point. Just get up and attack him! It's
your job!"
- "In addition to knowing the secrets of the Universe, I can assure you that I am also quite potty trained."
- "That lazy kid won't ever get better unless someone forces it down his throat."
- "Now, are you going to let go of me, or are we going to stand here and do the tango?"
- "I like the way this cracked nut thinks."
- "Next time I leave I have to clone myself."
- "With a tunnel that gigantic, apparitions all the way through the C and B classes will be able to
pass between worlds in mass."
- "Spirit World rates every demon according to power....all the demons in the upper level B class are
the same stregnth as Toguro."
- "The demon world is an ancient land and it's depths are endless."
- "We can not awake the anger of the A class and S class or Super A class demons who live at the bottom."
- "And this pacifire breath is still not used to you being dumber everytime he sees you..."
- "Oh no.I'm ever so frightened! Please don't hurt me Mr. Monster!"
- "I love squid!"
- "From now on you'll only adress me as Pretty Koenma!Understand? I think pretty really brings out the
sparkle in my eyes."
- "Anytime, mask boy!"
- *talking to Kuwa* "So you want to be burried in that or something decent?"
- *talking to Kuwa* "You want a grave or a tomb?"
- *talking to Kuwabara* "What about burial flowers? Do you like roses?"
- "Why's there never a slingshot when you need it?"
- "Koenma-tron 5000 jetpack ready for take off."
- "Yeah, I've seen wrestling matches less rigged."

- "Your half-assed attack has created an adverse reaction. 'Bang!'"
- "The more impatient we are, the more mistakes we make."
- "Any prize that is worth having requires risk."
- "Youko has returned, they cry."
- "Suicide is not the answer. There is neither honor nor redemption in that."
- "Any prize worth having usually requires a risk."
- "Tired hands are better than none."
- "Needless to say, hold on tight."
- "All the while we've been thinking you were a brilliant strategist. When really, you're just a lucky
- "Hiei is going through a tricky change, it appears he is beginning to like you."
- "After all the explosions. Smell wakes him."
- "Sorry, I don't have time to be arrested"
- "And all this time we thought you were some brilliant strategist, when really, you're just a lucky
- "You make it sound like you think your way through things, when in fact, you're not thinking at all."
- "It his way of saying you're welcome. You will learn."
- "I admit, I'm embarassed just listening to him."
- "I thought clowns made everyone else laugh."
- "Naturally my eyes could follow every inch of Genkai's movements."
- "It took all of us working as a team to get this far."
- "And to think, one day they could be in-laws."
- "Yusuke snap out of it you have your victory".
- "It's too bad I don't carry around a locket of his hair."
- "I'm warning you, if you so much as bruise what's in your hand, and I'll show you pain. The hue of
you soul will cease to matter because you will not be judged when you die you will no longer exist."
- "You're hardly the one for random outbursts."
- "Baaaa!!!"
- "Nerd violence..."
- "Humanity's destruction was Hiei's former dream, these new developments leave him much to consider."
- "The capacity for evil is but one ingredient in the human soul."
- "Please by mindfull I'm Shuuichi here"
- "You're a great public speaker by the way"
- "Now! I may die but atleast it will end in a draw."
- "How best shall I deal with my prey?"
- "Logic is panic's prey." -urama
- "..but I fear this child is higher than even the computer's highest difficulty."
- "Yusuke, you need a plan B."
- "It's unwise to be so confident before an official annoucement."
- "All this time I thought you were a brilliant stratigist, but really you're just a lucky fool."
- "How does it feel to be the one pursued? "
- "You were wrong on two counts. Even the hardest substance can be broken, when crashed into itself.
And the ability to feel pain is not a weakness. It's a strength. Pain tells a creature its vulnerabilities, and not you expose
them to attack. Your robot is dead. And so, I'm afraid, are you."

"Spirit Flyswatter!"
"While we're sharing here my mother always wanted me to become an exterminator, so it's time to make
her proud."
"This arcade... it's got chillies... Oh, no! Not the tickle feeling!"
"AAAGGGHHH!!! What are you, some sorta sick grave robber of something?!"
"Hey! Shorty's a lot cooler than I thought."
"You didn't have too many friends growing up, did you?"
"Kurama really is a fox thing, and to think I let him near my kitten!
"That rose whip of his must be ten feet long. Where does he stache it? All the ways I can think of
sound kinda painful."
"I didn't know dreams could be so horrible!"
"Why does everything you say makes me wanna bash your face in!"
"Ugly?! Who you callin ugly?! Come 'er you mouse!"
"No it sounded more like a low-level ghost, like a haunted raccoon or something."
"You know I really can't stand it when guys pick on people weaker then them, but I guess I'll do it
to you anyway."
"This isn't school Urameshi so don't pretend you're not a duffuss!"
"Aww man. You're such a friggin disgrace. I can't believe I spent so much time trying to defeat such
a coward. Now get up and fight!"
"It smells girly, I don't think I like it."
"Watch it Hiei! No use getting jealous on me just because I'm good!"
"Hiei, you're a little punk, and you always said mean stuff to me but I know underneath all that junk
you're a good guy. Kurama, you taught me a lot with the things you've said, there's nobody more caring than you. Woman fighter
person you saved those guys from Dr. Ichigaki and that means a lot, you didn't say much but some how I really feel like I
know you. And Urameshi... well... uh..."
"We all have to die when our time comes, but if we do our duty we don’t got regrets, so taste
a little piece of my sword togoro."
"Ok Urameshi, it’s all you. I did what I could, now beat him for all of us. Make my death count,
"Stop laughing hamster legs!"
"How about I gently shove my foot down your throat?"
"Of all the nerve, assault me and then ask for a meal, you're getting squat!"
"...You're telling me that some one's making a big hole so that pretty soon a whole bunch of demons
just like Toguro can start attcking us all at once. And then there's the A and S guys that even spiritworld can't control!
Has hope truely left us? IS THIS THE END OF EVERYTHING! "
"Ahh! I don't know if yo ushould take that stuff mulitiple times buddy! It could be bad."
"Bite my ankles shorty, I swear I'll make you cry to your mom! If you have a mom, that is!"
"What the heck? Those things just spontaneously combusted!"
"That stupid jerk is really starting to tick me off."
"He's a little jacked up but I'd say he won!"
"When men do what they're suppose to do, its not always about what they want."
"Guess all the training in the world, can't make up for bad aim."
"Gee buddy, are you all right? That was just a warm-up shot."
"Why not fight me, the warrior of love, defender of the defenseless?"
"Would you be quiet? I'm trying to think here!"
"Why use a bandage that doesn't make your hurting spots better?"
"Uh, remind me never to let Hiei touch me again or like ever."
"Please no eat me, please no eat, no!"
"I'm not scared, but we should atleast find a rock to get under!"
"In case I don't make it, take care of my cat."
"Besides, with the power of our love shining through, I'll beat him in point-five seconds."
"You mean he ATE the dragon?!?"
"Hey! This is a no dragon-man area, okay?!?"
"Can I give him a mustache?"
"Yeah, awesome, now why don't you go 20 yards that way and fight the rest of those guys?"
"You mean nothing we do will wake him up?"
"Oh! You all shut up for the shoulder-monkey!"

- "Life's a drag, isn't it?"
- "Nah we just made out. Then Kayko caught us and a fight broke out."
- "If you've got something to say, then say it to my face, or else say it to my fist."
- "You're the only one who has taught me anything useful, plus I think your a headcase."
- "Maybe we'll hang out if you ever wake up."
- "Well that's a fancy title."
- "Yes mother. I'm still alive, just like yesterday."
- "I've got enough energy to deep fry a smart ass bird."
- "A toddler... Why would the spirit world be run by a toddler?"
- "I'm sorry Mr. Mysterious, but as it turns out I forgot to bring my pogostick."
- "Pardon me if I make this quick."
- "This day did start out weird. I went to school."
- "Ugly People shouldn't be allowed to smile that much!"
- "Damn Hiei, is this how you say hello to people now?"
- "And this is the part where Yusuke Urameshi makes his escape."
- "I don't care if it's a girl, a baby or someone's grandma. I'm gonna fight her anyway."
- "Show's you don't know me very well... All my life I've been living on borrowed time."
- "Koenma's got me by the balls and he knows it!"
- "Yap yap yap like you're some kind of pro wrestler. Then what happens? You have to eat up all your
words. It's pretty dumb."
- "Hey I just got back from Grandma's evil boot camp, don't you think I need a vacation."
- "This is for being so damn ugly!"
- "Time for the kill!"
- "I always said those teachers were out to get me. I'm surprised they didn't run me over themselves."
- "Monster meet Spirit Gun!"
- "Can't you see I'm busy with this asshole here?"
- "I'm really gonna die... Again!"
- "Well in that case I'm screwed."
- "Okay now I'm pissed!"
- "Hey Kuwabara you're conscious I'm not used to that."
- "You're in the same boat as I am, only weirdo's like Kuwabara can see in the dark."
- "If I mess this up and Rando kills everyone there won't even be a Tokyo Dome. At least the other way
I would have had a three day weekend."
- "Get out here Hiei, I'm gonna kick your ass!"
- "I've got enough spirit energy to deep-fry a smart ass bird."
- "Did you pick up that saying from a fortune cookie?"
- "Out of this whole plan you made one big mistake, you went and pissed me off."
- "Hell of an actor. You know not everyone can pretend to laugh at their dying friends."
- "Getting blown up is really gonna piss me off!"
- "I don't care whether that hole to Makai is gonna open or not anymore. All I want to do is to fight
- "You think you can predict what my next move is?! Look at this, I dare to swear you didn't expect
this one coming: men's 100m swimming freestyle!!"
- "Okay grandma, so why don't you show this young whippersnapper how it was done in the olden days."
- "That's some pimple."
- "Yeah yeah, I'll be walking on eggshells."
- "I think my compass went stupid. No matter how far I run it says one mile."
- "I'll show you cute and cuddly until your black and blue all over!''
- "Hey Keiko when did you fill in all the right places?"
- "Come out Hiei I am going to kick your ass!"
- "You took my teacher and now you took my friend, what the hell do you want from me?"
- "I already said I’ll never forgive you, and now I won't be able to forgive myself, so lets just
do this."
- "Shut up Toguro, I’m not like you, I won’t just throw people away."
- "(to Toguro)Since I started this tournament I learned the value of what you gave away, and I won’t
let it go, even if I have to give up my life."
- "I don’t care if I never fire a blast again, I don’t care if I die, the only thing I want
to do now is make this shot with all the power I have."
- "Genkai! Come here you beautiful hag!"
- "I mean, after I beat Toguro, well he was the strongest demon there was right? Now that he's finished,
well what could challenge me?"
- "Besides Hiei and Kurama are too smart and untrusting, they'd never just walk right into your trap"
- "That still left me botan, and if you dirt-bags were low enough to take advantage of the only non-fighter,
it wouldn't matter if I lost. Even if you killed me, I would come back from the dead and drop kick your ass"
- (to genkai) "I can't believe it...w-why would you do something like this....tell me you crazy old
- (to kuwabara) "But more importantly we've answered the question, boxers or briefs."
- "That's how you treat a guy wins the whole dark tournament! Thanks for saving my life and all pal,
but my sandwhich is just to damn good."
- (about Kayko)"I love life. The only girl who knows anything about me uses it as a weapon. I'm so happy
to be back home!"
- "Maybe it's because of your nagging."
- (to Kayko about the 'portable Puu')"How is that supposed to help my look!?"
- "Sorry if I make this quick."
- "I'm not in the mood. Tell it my secretary."
- "In case you missed the news update, this is a bad day to piss me off!"
- "Maybe all I need is a good knuckle buster"
- "Stage two, what-what does that mean you moved to training pants?"
- "Damnit, what is this, Be bitchy day?!"
- "I hear ya, you have your own needs, then how about I kick your ass first?"
- "Score one for old number 2, so the guy got his head cracked open with a pencil top?"
- "I brought an advice book for bad guys, it's called Don't Piss me Off."
- "Physic, your powers fade when you go to sleep, so go to bed."
- "This tunnel they wanna open, it's gonna turn earth into demon world's whipping boy."
- "Yeah, you can even lend her an eye."
- "If its huggy kissy stuff ya want, go home and watch your soaps."
- "Have any idea what curiosity does for cats, Botan?"
- "I say the little bugger got my hair. He's got it right between his stupid claws and he ain't lettin'
- "As if it can't get any more girly."
- "He better not leave me any spirit surprises!"
- "I can kill you all with my finger you know! I'll show you cute and friendly!I'll show you cute and
friendly till you're black and blue all over!"
- "What the hell was that? All my punches were solid, but he brushed them aside like broccoli he didn't
order. Didn't even give me a chance to kick his ass!"
- "Dammit, if they start a riot in the stands I'm not gonna be the one that saves them."
- "Your ass parks here until you find something!"
- "Oh, could you tell that by reading my mind?!"
- "And that's how we win this, yeah!"
- "Earth to toddler bitch! You better speak now before I forever put that pacifer ten inches down your
- "Yusuke Urameshi. Age 14. Survived by his mom and everybody. After going through a bid ordeal to get
his life back, Yusuke had a brief second chance until he was eaten by a fish! That's right! No heroic death! No fighting evil
villans! Fish food!" -Yusuke
- "What ever happened to just regular old bullets?"
- "They'd probably think I was in a cult with all these tattoos"
- "*laughing* *to Hiei* You're so full of crap *imitates Hiei* 'I don't care'"
- "Thank you Hiei, I was needing that kick in the ass"
- "I beat Toguro and after that I assumed everything else would just be a big ol' peice of cake. And
then some rogue Spirit Detective has to go and open up the freakin' gates of Hell!"
- *yelling at Juri* "I'll put these grimy fingers through your face if you don't tell me how the hell
the breathing guy loses!"
- *yelling to Juri* "I'd like you to remove your head from your ass, but I don't see that happenin'
anytime soon!"
- "Anyone care if I puke on myself?"
- "That's Hiei for you. He faints but still has time for threats!"
- "Please don't be a giant monster!"
- "I've gotta hand it to him. When Hiei's feelin' serious, he really lets you know."
- "What's with all this spirit awareness crap?"